Monday 8 October 2012

Preliminary task

  • The text is automatic black, which is hard for the audience to read when it is placed against a dark background. This makes the cover seem unprofessional & tacky.

  • The designer has used no symbolism on the front page, & has used no techniques to grab the attention of the audience. The picture of the female on right is the most eye grabbing image, this makes the page feel weak, as the first piece if information the audience should see is the more important piece.

  • The page uses the short lined text to try & influence the audience to read downward through the page. This could help the audience soak up all of the information that is on offer.

  • The picture on the front looks out of place, it is clearly edited in by the white outline around the girl, this makes it looks equally unprofessional as the text.

    • The heading is big and bold and eye catching. The text and fonts are easy to read and are good colours which go well with the background colour. The background colour I very plain but it makes the texts and picture stand out.
    • In this picture the girl is looking at us which makes this magazine look friendly and is including you. The girl in the picture is also wearing smart clothing and has a book in her hand which links in with the whole school magazine.
    • The colour yellow is used against black text which makes a great contrast for the audience to see. The colour yellow is used in many safety sign because it is eye-catching, therefore designer can use smaller text, due to the fact the colour attracts the audience’s attention. This is symbolism using the colour yellow.
    • The designer includes numbers in on the front cover this could represent school and mathematics.
    • The matster head of the magazine should be bigger and bolder but red is a very bright and eye catching colour.
    • The four pictures on top are not very clear and cut top of the other picture off so they should really be behind the main picture and you can’t really see what the text is.
    • The text is nice and simple colours that go with the background but the font doesn’t stand out on the page it’s too small and thin and I can hardly read it.
    • The picture goes well with school because the girl in the picture in a uniform and it links it to one off the stories ‘Are Exams stressing you out?’ But half off her hair has been cut off.
    • The picture is a school girl so this magazine audience is students/teenagers. Also people struggling with exams.

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