My results show that most people would prefer my magazine to be white and red than blue, black, yellow with the colour white, this links in with both genders. My results also show that the age I should do my magazine for should be for the ages of 15 to 16. My results also show that my magazine should be for both genders this gives the magazine more a variety in it for both female and male.
Also they said that they would most be likely to buy it if they were part of the school because they would be more interested and know more about the events going on it in. The results also show that they would like to hear about the recent events going on in school to keep them undated on what they have miss out on.
My results show that they would prefer the magazine to be full of gossip more than competitions, quiz’s and interviews. I am going to include all these things in my magazine to give the magazine a variety instead of keeping it boring and the same thing every time, id like them to want to buy the magazine and get tips and idea and confidence from it. This is why I will be interviewing students and teachers for the magazine.
The title for my magazine is going to be SchoolRules because it’s could mean two thinks like schools have rules we have to follow or school rules as in it’s a fun, happy place to be. My results show that my text is going to be black I think the colour black looks more sophisticated and stands out on the colours white and red. My results also show that they would prefer 7 to 10 pictures in my magazine, I think teenagers would like to see their own pictures or their friends pictures in the magazine because most of them fine it funny and it makes them more sociable.
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