Saturday, 11 May 2013

Why the deconstructions where added to the blod last.

I had some trouble finding my deconstructions I did earlier I must not of saved them so I had to do them again but once I found out I had to do them again everything else was already added on to my blog . I tried my best to keep everything in order but I’m sorry about this mistake.

Deconstruction for music magazine double page spread

Deconstruction for music magazine contents page

Friday, 10 May 2013

Why i chose my final design for my double page spread

I chose my final design for my double page spread because like my front cover and my contents page  it looks professional and I also made it on photoshop, because I used photoshop for my front cover and my contents page  I found it easier to use this time and was extra confident. I made my front cover, contents page and double page spread look as professional as I could and I am happy with them.

Final double page spread for my music magazine

First and Second draft of my double page spread for my music magazine

Why i chose my final design for my contents page

I chose my final design for my contents page because like my front cover its looks professional and I also made it on photoshop, because I used photoshop for my front cover I found it easier to use it this time and made my contents page look as professional as I could.

Final contents page for my music magazine

First and Second draft for my contents page for my music magazine

Why i chose my final design for my front cover

My final front cover was chosen because it looks the most professional and it was made on photoshop which makes it look more professional as well. Photoshop has all the tools I needed to make a good and realistic looking product.

Final Front cover for my music magazine

Frist and Second draft for my music magazine front cover

Sketches of my front cover contents page and double page spread for my music magazine

Deconstructions of music magazines

Monday, 11 February 2013

Quetionaire for music magazine

Circle your choice
1)      What colours would you like the magazine to be?
Red and White        Blue and White          Black and White           Yellow and White
2)      What age do you want the magazine to be aimed at?

11-14           15-20            20-30         30-50           51-over

3)      What gender do you want the magazine to be for?

Male          Female       Both

4)      What would you like to be included in this magazine?
Gossip         Competitions         Interviews         Quiz
5)      What style of writing would you like?
Style 1           style 2         style 3
6)      Would you like to hear about recent events and activities e.g. festivals?
Yes b        No
7)      What would you like the title to be?
Pop it         Rebel         Our Time
8)      What would you like the text colour to be?
Black           Red          Blue          Green
9)      How many images would you like in this magazine?

4-6           7-10          11-15

10)   Would you buy the magazine if it included different genres of music you didn’t like?
Yes         No

Deconstructions of music magazine covers